Friday, April 10, 2009

Mustard vs. Yogurt

Riddle me this - Why is country music so depressing?

On a side note, my yogurt just attacked my uniform...awesome...should have eaten a sandwich instead. Mustard much safer than yogurt.

So I'm sitting here, making power points for various people in charge who seem to be completely computer illiterate and yet somehow hold positions like "Chief of police" and "Head of investigations". That makes me feel safe.
If your going to arrest people and investigate things, YOU SHOULD KNOW HOW TO MAKE A FRIGGIN SPREADSHEET!

Not that hard.
Reeeallllyy not that hard.

ALSO, so my boss is getting moved to a different department.
And I'm the only person who works with her. BUT no one seems to know where all of her work will go. Since I'm Temp Duty right now (so I do whatever needs done. Its pretty FING ANNOYING), I have this sinking feeling they are going to give her job to me.
The people over our department are so freaking retarded! I just want to punch them all in the face!!
Little STUPID things like this:
We mail different investigation cases to different departments. Well when we do this we ARE REQUIRED TO:
1. Take the case file, put in a manila envelope.
3. My boss writes her intials over the tape. To ensure...what????
4. We put that envelope in another inter dept. mail envelope.
5. (you thought it would end there, didn't you???? So did I.)
5!! YOU TAPE ALL THE WAY AROUND THE TOP OF THE FING INTER DEPT MAIL ENVOLOPE!!! Completely destroying a very reusable object. Oh. And she initials that tape too.

This thing has 50 To:/From text boxes. You are supposed to use these envelopes 50xs. We use them once and they are never used again because someone HAS TO GET A CHAINSAW TO OPEN THE DAMN THING TO READ THE CASE ABOUT THE KID WHO REPORTED THAT SOMEONE BROKE INTO HIS UNLOCKED CAR AND STOLE HIS RADIO!!
*long pause in which I silently scream and mime stabbing stupid people in the face*
*deep breath*

If this job becomes mine? That crap? Its gonna go away. I almost picked up a book and threw it at my boss yesterday...

She is calling from the other room (as she corrects a document that there is no need to correct) in this little condescending tone "Oh honey! You did good on the "C"s!"


So on base, they give out tickets. They mean abbooouuuttt jack crap. You pay nothing. Its so lame. The only thing they can do is restrict you from driving ON THE BASE.
I work with all those tickets.
This lady I work for?
About 3,000 years old.
She's nice and all, just annoying. And confusing. And confused.
And we make a list of all the people who are "restricted".
Before, this list was in Microsoft Word.
Which is so stupid cause its set up like a spread sheet so adding to it is like trying to convince Samolian pirates not to steal our stuff.
So I took this list and did what any SANE PERSON would do and put it into Excell! Not that hard! I type around 6 billion wpm so it was an easy day.
I also went through and deleted all the people whose restriction was over. There are boxes that say "Date restricted" "Date complete"
I went through and did the obvious (asked before I did it though, so don't even say anything about that!!) and took out all the "Date complete" people who were off restriction.

Well she went through (I think cause I've caught her up on all her work and she was really bored today, cause usually she doesn't do JACK that concerns going back and checking because she is so far behind on everything. BUT! Then I appeared and did things like create excell pages for everything so it was actually recorded instead of on sticky notes...) all the restricted TICKETS themselves so CHECK that all the people who had ever been placed on restriction had come in to see her and checked out of restriction.
And she got all mad at me because I had deleted them off the list already.
So this guy had been on restriction until January, 2009. Thats past. I took him off. Apparently the poor guy never came to her office and showed her his updated registration and requested to be let off of restriction.
And according to the people over our department, THEY ARE STILL RESTRICTED BECAUSE THEY NEVER DID THIS.
There are people she wants back on that list that got off restriction a year ago!
And she got all mad at me for taking them off. A job that she told me to do. And she said she was going to get in trouble.

A. ....What???

B. Who the heck is going to check?? The people over our department are so busy they don't have time to come to our building and go through our tickets to check and see that each restriction ticket has a checkmark saying that they have brought in their info and checked out of restriction.

C. ....WHAT?????

So there she sits, going through all 9 billion restrictions, checking them, checking the list, checking the old list...and then saying "You deleted another one!" when she finds some girl from April of 06 who was placed on restriction for not registering on base within 30 days of reporting, who never came to our office and said "I registered."

So she goes back on the list.


And I got pissed! I called her on it and was like "WHY?? This is overkill and stupid. Screw it."
"Well those people over our department, they want it."
"Why? Screw them too."
"Because the CO wants it that way! And they are scared of that mans shadow!"
"SCREW THE CO!! WHY is everyone so afraid of this guy? It is so wrong to be scared of anyone in charge! You do YOUR JOB, not WHAT HE WANTS. So he "prefers" that people be on restriction for all of time because he has a fixation with slow and perfect driving. He needs to chill. Or else do all this paper work himself."

But no.
I almost got my throat slit for saying a ticket he ordered the popo to give to a girl was stupid and unreasonable and shouldn't have happened and she should contest it.
He GUESSED her speed to be 70 in a 45.
And she got the ticket and the restriction. That was high enough it will follow her to her next command where they will check in her car and not allow her to drive it.
So wrong.
So incredibly wrong.
But since she said she felt the CO was mistaken when she went to court for it? They screwed her.
You can't say he's wrong.

This Navy...
This Navy is messed up.

This Navy isn't something I am proud of any longer.
This Navy is something I can't wait to leave.

So there's my rant for the day.
I'm pretty excited to have ranted...

Now back to the 100+ page dispatchers manual I must create....



sixth lie said...

Wow dude.

The Navy doesn't seem like a lot of fun. The fact that you get meaningless tickets on base is kinda funny. It's like universities do it [for added revenue] but they have no power to enforce it so they're just hoping you pay the fine.

Lendiel said...

Yogurt is so much better. And country music is so depressing because it's all about stupid people who's wives left them and took their dog. Oh, btw Shell, you made me laugh at my host person's house and they all looked at me like I was mental. But I'm used to it by now....unfortunately....

sixth lie said...

Question? Why do you listen to Country?