Thursday, February 26, 2009

You think YOU'VE got problems...

Ok. So if my life could get anymore jacked up I'm not sure what would have to happen. Seriously. This is retarded. I'm blown away by the...ness of this mess.

Here I am. In the navy.
Oh yeah. Having a kid in September. What happened? Simple answer there...if you don't know I'm not going to try and explain it to you.
Allen's of course (for all you meanies who have questioned about the father of this child. I hate you all). He has moved down to Pensacola and we are eloping Friday. Tomorrow. Wow. But we've been TRYING to for two weeks so nbd...
Aircrew school is a high risk training environment so they dropped me, seeing as they don't want to hurt my kid. Me? Thats ok. But not the kid. Hahaha...
So I was sent to an inbetween place for a while. I didn't have a job and I am all medicaly jacked up they don't know what to do with me...ya know.
I requested seperation from the navy due to pregnancy. They screwed with me for a long time and then decided FINE! But we aren't letting you go until 30 days before delivery.
So I'll have 30 days to move home, find a doctor, figure out how to pay for the kid...awesome. The military isn't as lily white as they seem. They like to screw people over. Makes me proud to be American...except for not.
So yesterday they sudden give me orders to work in the security office and move out of my barracks asap. Mothertruckers...good thing I have the awesomest friend in the world though who is letting Allen stay with them until we get an apartment. I just crashed at her house and puked all morning (I have morning sickness from hell...that lasts until 5:00 at night...) then went in and here I am. They were just showing me around and checking me in and this secretary suddenly needed a phone answerer so they stopped my checkin blablabla crap and sat me at the phone.
I'm feeling ill again. Awesome. I threw up 7xs yesterday so I'm hoping that today isn't going to be a repeat.
So that's my life as I know it. Though its nice cause they kicked me out of barracks so NO MORE COMMUNAL SHOWERS AND ROOMMATES FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE!!!!! FRICK YEAH!!!! I'm pretty much excited beyond all reason about that.
People have been really horrible about my wanting to leave the military. I understand to a point and yet they need to get off their high horse and stop trying to be all self righteous and let me make this decision for me and my family now. Its not just about me. Its about a child and a husband. Allen doesn't want to be a single dad while I'm off deployed and I do not ever want to have to leave my child like that. I'm also required to go back to work 6 weeks after delivery. Who the heck is going to take care of an infant? So I think people need to mind their own business and let me make my own decisions that are best for me and my family.

Anyway. I love you all.


sixth lie said...

Don't you get like year maternity leave?

Also, you're pregnant? I didn't see that coming. Congratulations! I like babies.

You should name him Six. I'm sure there's some spiritual meaning behind it.

Lendiel said...

I'M BAAAAAAAAACK!!!!! Now, sixth, are you just wanting Shell to name the baby after you? Cause I'm pretty sure it's not yours. Pretty dang sure...

Lendiel said...
