Wednesday, December 02, 2009

The winds of change...wait...there Are no winds of change...

So I'm back-ish.
Nothing absolutely whatsoever to report. My days have dragged on and on and I have lived them.
Wake up.
Get ready for work.
Drive to work (though I have now incorporated books on CD into my morning and lunchtime drive. Right now it is Harry Potter and The Order Of The Phoenix)
Sit around at work.
Sit around more.
Drive home to lunch (getting another 15 minuets of the story).
Eat lunch.
Feed baby.
Return to work.
Sit around.
Some days I get off early and jog to the gym*
Go home.
Feed baby.
Cook dinner.
Eat dinner.
Watch something. Preferably The Office, Legend of The Seeker, or Heros. We are a season behind on Heros so we are catching up this week. We should be up to speed by next Monday. Too bad we don't have TV and have to wait a week to watch the latest episode. Damn...
Feed baby.
Put baby to sleep.
Go to sleep.
Change baby's diaper.
Feed baby.
Go back to sleep.
Wake up...

*yesterday I threw my workout clothes into a bag. Since I wore my working dress uniform and I didn't have boots to carry I decided I would simply throw my uniform in the bag and jog to the gym, this way Allen would not have to drive me back to my building when he picked me up, me go inside, open my locker, and get my uniform. Time saver. Woot.
It was chilly. I packed a sweater. It was sprinkling, but whatever.
At 3:30 I go down to my locker, change into my jogging shorts, t-shirt and my hoodie. I tie my running shoes and strap the iPod into my arm (my iPhone is being repaired but I was able to steal Allen's iPod. Woot).
I go up the steps, ladeedah, no big deal.
I step outside.
It is no longer sprinkling. It is pouring.
But I figure, hey, I've gotten this far, why go back down the steps and put this bag back in my locker? It can't be that far to the gym. Maybe at most a 1/4 mile.
So I start jogging. Despite that it was only my dress shoes, pants and two shirts, an extra pair of tennis shoes, one large book and a water bottle, that backpack was 10 lbs.
This used to be no big deal.
Then I didn't work out or run for a year and now it is a big deal.
I was DYING.
Not only was the bag heavy as hell, but it was pouring and it was COLD! Also I was dying. I am a horrible runner now.
Ok. I've never been very good. But now it's worse.
It had to have been a mile to the gym. I'm gonna drive it and see today actually...
I was sopping and frozen by the time I got there.
I step inside and it's a nice, warm temperature in there!
But since I had been frozen, but my hear rate was high, it felt like it was 130 degrees. I was pouring sweat from the moment I stepped inside. Then I had to blow dry my shorts because it looked like I had peed my pants from all the rain.

Anyway. That was my dramatic story. Preeeettyy lame.
Now I'm going to see if works at work.
Here's Phoenix.

Oh hi everyone! I'm pretty awesome these days! I try to stand up by myself and am starting to play games. Sort of. Mostly I like to be bad. Like when Dad is giving me a bottle, I will stop eating, look at him, and then just gnaw on the very end of it and grin because I know that annoys him. Heh heh heh...I have also mastered the art of wakening instantly! Hold me, I'm asleep! Put me down, I'm awake! WOOHOO! It's like having magical powers...

Sometimes I'm actually pretty happy. At weird times. I try to giggle reeealllyy hard but mostly a weird shriek just comes out. This causes mom and dad to collapse in hysterical laughter.

I is big.

I is also cross eyed.

I am also a snot. I enjoy refusing to smile at strangers. I also enjoy gnawing on things and slobbering all over shirts. It is my favorite. Once, I pooped on mama. It was great! I thought it was really funny!! Mama didn't :(

This is how I get away with everything; by being super adorable.

What dah hewl?!?

And these are my friends! They are my only friends. We hang out a lot. As you can see we don't always agree on things, sometimes I think they say really stupid stuff (like right there) but hey, you can't get much better than a gnome.
Unless you get me.
Anyway. Next week is shot's week. I was supposed to have my shots a long time ago but then the doctor couldn't get me in for a really long time. Mama doesn't want me to get shots - she believes most immunizations harm more than they help. But if I have to go into daycare, they won't let me in without them. Anyway.
*runs off to cry, poop, sleep, slobber, grin, and bellow random syllables*


Hiedi said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! You are so hilarious!!! I can't wait to see you guys!

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I'll be your friend! But I might eat you!!!

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Where did you disappear to?

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