Friday, May 29, 2009

Who took my damn Rolos??

So I took a vacation away from this horrible state (Florida).
And it was nice.
Except for the part where I forgot to go see some really amazing people (Lacey...Paul...etc...Whoops)
And where the cars transmission broke.
That was the nicest part. Hahaha...
I love driving Mom's car and not our sweet Acura.
So it was never fixed...and I flew back here because I was required to be at work by this morning. And here I am. Eating reheated tomato soup.
Also there is no milk in the house.
And no car to go buy it.
*sigh* I hate the bus.
But! At least there is scads to do at work! My boss is also on vacation and has been gone for a week and it looks like very little got done in the three days she was here without me before she left. Not that I expected much to get done.
So I'm not bored.
Except its lunch time and I forgot my book and I REFUSE to do work on break like my boss because thats just horribly horribly wrong. And depressing.
And I'm afraid I'm going to have finished all this work by the time 3:30 rolls around and then I'll have the entirety of next week being as bored as ever.
But the house is so boring without Allen! Plus I didn't realize that you get terribly used to someone being there to tell whatever pops into your head to. Like I had a blister this morning. And I went to show him.
And he wasn't there.
And what good is showing a dog or the duck?


Vacation home was fun.
Except for the part where I almost killed everyone the day of my sisters graduation. I told Dad I would push their "new adopted daughter" (as we kids like to call here because she stores all of her stuff in my old room, and has been driving Mom's car for the past 6 months under Mom and Dads insurance, and she comes to all the family events, and signed my Mom's mothers day card, and my little sister opted to ask her to help with the graduation instead of one of her four very available and loving sisters...but none of us are bitter. Really...) off a chair if she thought she was going to help me decorate.
After which my father barely spoke to me for the remainder of my time there.
And then I had to fly home. I really hate airports and I hate planes. Not because I hate flying - that doesn't bother me. But I hate that you are stuck in a little seat next to a total stranger that is either way way way to friendly, or refuses to even say hello when you sit down.
I did manage to read almost all of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban while in midair.
For the probably 4th time.
But no big deal.
And I'm not counting.
I really gotta hand it to Rowling - her, C.S. Lewis and Tolkien are the only people who I've read twice. I don't see the point in re-reading a book that you've already read because there are so many other books out there! Why would you waste your time??
Now sometimes, its ok. Like with Harry Potter or Narnia or Lord of The Rings because it is just that good.
But anything else?
Not gonna happen.
Carol, I found your Darcy book.
Its up in my room.
I completely forgot it the other night.

Also I stuck a burrito in the microwave here at work cause I was still hungry after my small portion of tomato soup...and now the whole office smells like it. Awesome...I wonder if theres a window I can open...I would prop the outside door open but one of the ladies before she left for lunch was like "Theres a bunch of money on my desk so don't let anyone near it."
Guess where the outside door is.

SOOOOOO.....just chillin in the office...alone...eating my burrito that really isn't turning out to be very good...and listening to Sinatra.
And trying to think of something to say to take up the next 30 min. Because my burrito is gone. And my brain is too tired to keep thinking of things to write since I was a unsuspecting victim of "I can't sleep cause I've been on vacation going to bed at 2:00 a.m. for the past 10 days and so I see no reason to sleep now even though you can't sleep-in until 11:00. No. Instead you have to be up at 6:30. But you'll be fine. Just keep watching "Pretty Woman" and telling yourself you'll be fine"
Great. The stupid song mentioned honey.
And I suddenly want some honeyed toast.
Damn pregnancy.

I hate jet lag.
p.s. This is the aforementioned duck.
We call him Gary.


sixth lie said...

You're still pregnant? This is taking a while isn't it.

More importantly, YOU HAVE A PET DUCK?!?! I want one!!

If it makes you feel any better, I've been hanging out at work and I'm out of things to do. I'm even out of things to do that waste time. I can just sit here and look pretty. Which doesn't take much effort.

It also occurred to me, I'm way to accustomed to being called "pretty" as opposed to "handsome". Is that weird.

Lendiel said...

YOU WOULDN'T LET ME GET A DUCK!!! Why do you get one if I don't?!?!? Yay! You found my book! And your life really does suck. Cause I'm not there. Ha. But I will be! And I love Anne Hathaway. Except for Ella Enchanted. Horrible movie. Perhaps I shouldn't reply to a movie when I'm watching a blog. Wait. Strike that. Reverse it. Princess Diaries. And Bride Wars. :D

sixth lie said...

What do you have against Ella Enchanted?