Friday, March 14, 2008

Apprehensive much? Perhaps.

14th century
1 : capable of apprehending or quick to do so : discerning

2 : having apprehension : cognizant
3 : viewing the future with anxiety or alarm

I'm gonna go with # 3.

I don't know why. I just suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of anxiety
I seriously am like, almost freakin' out. Its weird. I don't get like that very often. Ever, actually.
I kind of realized how much I have to get done before I leave for the Navy.
Including learn how to swim like a fish.
And run a couple miles (I used to be able to, but I stopped running for a while after I couldn't go Marine Corps and lost it), and do pushups forever and...SO MUCH STUFF!
And sometimes it just hits me that holycow! I'm actually going to start life! So far I've just kind of...lived.
I feel like I have no time. Like life is just coming at me a million miles an hour and I'm stuck to the ground, too afraid to move out of the way, part of me not wanting to because I want to know what it will feel like when it hits me.

I need to go write.


Lendiel said...

SWIMMING! YAY!! I'll have you swimming like a fish yet!

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sixth lie said...

i need to work on my swimming. haven't done it in YEARS! like since I was like 12. That's a long time ago.

Otherwise, I'm a work of Art.

When are you leaving for Navy stuff?