Wednesday, February 13, 2008

This is My Country

I can't really vent here anymore thanks to a retarded move on my part so...hi people. Wish I could tell ya', but I can't.

On another note, I'll be in Chicago this weekend! Hooray! Going to see Allen for a couple days and will be back Monday night. ALMOST Canada! Haha!

Excuse me while I go punch something really hard.

Speaking of which - I was singing the other day (making it up I believe) and I was wearing glasses but at a dramatic part in the song I tossed them onto the counter in mock frustration. I was also wearing a hat and at the high point in the song where the character finally just gives up (or whatever I had the character do) I whipped off my hat and went to chuck it across the room.
Unfortunately for me, when I can't see I have no depth perception. And I ended up punching the heck out of a chair instead.
It hurt.
I have bruises.
I can finally bend all my fingers straight again, though! Hooray.

That crap about people protesting outside of a Marine Recruiting office and blocking off kids trying to enlist or the recruiters in to do their jobs made me angry beyond all reason.
So angry I cried because there was nothing I could do about it. It seriously broke my heart and made me sick to my stomach. How could you become so liberal that you are essentialy an alien in your own country?
Why don't we just get rid of the military? Eh?
Thing is there honey, that you gotta get rid of everyone elses too or else you'd be in some deep shyte. Please, excuse me while I go support the people that make sure I'm not obliviated by a nuclear missle.
And excuse me if I don't hesitate to punch you in the face if you ever try to throw your bullcrap on me. I have watched my friends and godparents and family and now, my best friend give their entire lives to their country. Sure, so far all of them are still alive. But I know every single one of them would die without question if it meant keeping the rest of the United States out of harms way. Keep them ignorant of the world around them.
But sure, why not? Why don't you spit on them in the streets? Why don't you picket against what they do for a living? Why don't you go protest their funerals? Why don't you do you best to make sure that less and less young people step up to the plate and defend your civil right to do so??
Oh wait.
You already are.

Please, excuse me while I weep for my country and what its people have become. Call me overly conservative and intollerant? Maybe that will balance your liberalism and ignorance.

You think we have an immigration problem? Think again.


sixth lie said...


why are people protesting people joining the millitary? doesn't that go against free will, etc.

explain. we only keep track of US news on the international level.

Anonymous said...

i don't know if you'll know who this is. maybe. it's kind of random how i found this.

i am not ignorant. and take extreme offence at being called so. you want to defend your country? i want to defend my right to ask why you are defending it. there are some people who take it too far, i'll give you that.