After listening to
Obama's speech yesterday, I was left completely mind
Things like,
"Bin Laden no more represents Islam just as
Israel doesn't represent Judaism."
Bothered me a lot. It was like he only wanted to say what people wanted to hear. I am not saying that I disagree with the first part, as not all Islamics are hellbent on destroying things. Not at all. But the last part made me blink a few times. It was like saying America doesn't represent Democracy. What?
Obama's Speech Brilliant and Troubling" By Brad
"Ultimately, the President's remarks put being productive ahead of what some of us call being right, and that is the path to peace and reconciliation every time"
This seems to be the
public's general reaction to this speech. Well, if it helps us get to where we need to be, who gives a flock about what is right and true. Really.
Which is more than a little scary. If you just want productivity, your going to fall flat on your face because not everyone has the same idea of being productive, just like not everyone has the same idea of what is "right". I
disagree with people who think they can twist right and wrong in their own minds to be whatever they want - people who think that killing someone for their diamond
earrings does it because they don't see any problem in it. If someone comes into your house and kills your family because of your race or color, not because you did them any harm, you aren't going to step back and say "Well they thought it was right, so I guess it must be right to them and to impose action would be saying they are wrong and to say someone is wrong is wrong, and we can't have any wrong and so if what I think differs from what they think I am wrong but..." and you end up talking yourself in a circle of madness.
Just get something in your head. There is wrong. And there is right. Just because you believe it is right, does not mean it is. And to sit back as "The leader of the
free world" (not sure what the heck that means anymore) and to say try to convince everyone that everything is right and there is no wrong answer, but at the same time killing is the wrong answer...where the heck are you talking from?
There MUST be a wrong.
And someone has to be IN THE WRONG. Logic does not allow for no absolutes. And if you have no absolutes you have no wrong. Which is the most illogical and completely mad theological idealism you could possibly posses. But so many people consider themselves to be terribly terribly right in believing there is no wrong and no absolutes.
I would rather have a crazed terrorist trying to kill me, believing there is wrong and right (Even if he is horribly mistaken in his belief that its
ok to kill me for being American), than someone who doesn't believe there IS wrong or right and if at that moment he decides to shoot me, then it must be right.
How can you live with no convictions?!? How can you live without KNOWING something is true? You can't KNOW it is true if you think that someone else believing the opposite is also true.
Completely daft.
I'm going all over the place here. Sorry. I'm just so full of things I want to say to the world that its coming out rather jumbled and out of order and seems quite random.
In my mind...this all makes sense...
heh heh heh...
All of that to say, I think our president is going to get us all killed.
Thats all I have to say. I think he is out of his mind and more of a "lying politician" than any of them. He doesn't sit back and lie to his country, no, he sits back and lies to the entire world FOR his country and then comes home and tells his country it is what they
truly want. And says it in a way that people who
want to believe that everything is
ok and that he has the best in mind for
our country, just sit back and say "Well he said its must be."
Hitler convinced a lot of people it was
ok to kill Jews and gays, etc.
Ben Laden convinced a lot of people it was
ok to kill Americans and Christians and Catholics and even their own
families if they didn't agree with what they said.
You know what I mean. If you say things right, people believe it and refuse to form their own opinion by thinking about it.
People obviously thought long and hard about things former president Bush said. They hated him for things he did. He didn't talk well - he just wasn't the best public speaker. But he did what he believed was right and he said he believed it was right and that other people were wrong and had strong convictions, no matter how much people
disagreed with him. But he wouldn't say that everyone was right.
Why would you want someone to lead you who does not even want to stand up for you? Would you work for a boss that allowed other work members to talk badly about you and treat you badly and just sit by and say that they think its
ok, so live with it?
But you will be
ok with a president who believes that other countries should regulate our gun laws and look at our registries and have a say in our constitution, since they think they should, and they think its right so live with it.
You think politics don't effect you?
Think effing again.
Look at history.
Politics kill people.
Politics kill more people than wars started out of passion.
Obviously we started blowing up stuff in the middle east out of passion. And its gone from there into being about politics. And more people are dying from the political effects of this war that has gone on and on due to serious lack of unity concerning politics then were dying from when we were there for passion, trying to get rid of people who wished us seriously bodily harm and had at last managed to bring it to us. We could have been there and left, after we finished what we went there to do.
But it became a political battle when the American people decided to make it into a crime for doing anything in return, and suddenly it was like " the people? Sure!
That'll look good! Rebuild things?
Instead of telling off the
psychos (who are more concerned about polar bears than actual people) and stepping in to do what needed done and what we went there to do, and said "Peace
mofoes, don't mess with us, and don't let your people mess with us. Killing us for fun isn't gonna happen. We don't kill you for fun. We don't come bomb you cause we don't like you. We come shoot your asses because you came into OUR country and killed us because we
disagree with what you say."
But it didn't go like that.
Politics and "there is no right and wrong so how could you do that?" stepped in and here we are, 8 years later, still there because of politics. Ask any American military person if politics effect them. Then ask their
families. Then ask their friends.
They are gonna tell you, yes they do.
But most people don't see it. They are fed politics in a much slower, more controlled, prettied up, painted over, child friendly version, than the military is.
We get it straight and fresh off the line.
We die because of politics.
We are
ok with dying for passion and dying for our country.
But we aren't
ok with dying for politics that people who think there is no right and wrong and yet we were in the wrong to go fight so fix it, created. THAT. Is crap.
Why don't you get out of your stupid chair and think for yourself and believe something.
Too scary,
Cause then you would
disagree with someone.
And they might think badly of you.
Because you
Though if they really and
truly believed that everyone is right, they cannot be upset at you for thinking they are wrong. Because there is no wrong. So to think they are wrong is not wronging them.
But you know in your heart it isn't true.
You know if you take a stand on anything you will face opposition.
And we can't have that.
Can't handle it.
Won't do it cause your too damn scared and too ignorant about logic or what you think you might believe to stand up to anyone telling YOU that you are wrong for thinking they are wrong.
Get a backbone and think about things and research them and make yourself stronger.
Or just sit there and nod and smile and say "Well I think this might be what could be right. But you are
absolutely right as well. You think it could be blue, I think it could be red, but we are BOTH right. Really."
So stupid.
If you could see yourself. Really.
Anyway. I was going to stop rambling a long time ago and then I went off again...
Not like
theres anything better to do around here *looks around at the empty desk...wishing someone would bring in some work to do...aaaa...dying of
Love you and miss you.
If your confused,
thats ok. This post was just venting, its not supposed to make sense,